Creating Engage plugin workflows

This topic explains how you create different Engage plugin workflows and generate links to each flow to share with your customers.

The Engage plugin is what your customers use to book appointments with Agents in your organisation. You share it with customers via links, for example on your website, in your email signatures, and in marketing campaigns. You can create as many plugin links as you require, each with different flows and different pre-filled options, depending on where the plugin link is to be shared and with which customers.

Administrators can also configure how the Engage plugin interfaces with the Engage Backoffice; for more information see Configuring Engage plugin options.

About Engage plugin versions

This topic assumes you are using the v2 Engage plugin. If you are still using v1 and wish to upgrade, please contact your Pexip Engage Customer Success Manager. The v2 plugin is backwards-compatible with the v1 plugin, so you won't lose any configuration on upgrade, and the links that you've already shared with your customers will still work. The advantages of moving to the v2 plugin include:

  • the ability to configure the order in which customers are taken through each step
  • faster response times
  • improved user interface
  • more mobile-friendly.

How it works

You create links to the Engage plugin using a "sandbox" configuration page specific to your organisation. This page is a template that contains the full set of options available within the plugin. You use the page to design specific workflows, including which steps the customers will see, the order in which they will see them, any filters you wish to apply (such as restricting the subject or meeting types offered), and any information you want to be pre-filled.

You can change some of the wording and images in the Engage plugin yourself, but some styling changes must be done by your Pexip Engage Customer Success Manager. For more information, see Editing plugin style and wording.

Links to the Engage plugin and sandbox

The URL that your customers use to access your plugin is usually in the format:

This will be different if you host the plugin yourself, rather than have it hosted by Pexip.

For example if your domain is pexample your customers will use:

To access the sandbox page for your organisation, append /sandbox to the plugin URL. For example, for the pexample domain this would be:

Ensure that you've selected the Sandbox option at the top left of the page.

On the right side of the page is the Configuration panel which you use to set up the workflow and options. The fields are described in full in Configuration options.

You Apply the selected configuration, generating a unique link to that specific workflow and options which you Copy and share with your target customers.

You then Reset the sandbox to return to the original set of options, and repeat the process as many times as you wish.

Checking the configuration

While editing the Configuration options, select Apply config to see the currently selected set of options in the panel on the left.

To see this instance of the Engage plugin as customers will see it, remove /sandbox from the link you are using to configure the plugin.

Sharing the link

When you've finished, select the Copy link button . This copies a unique string, starting with #, to your clipboard. It's this link that you then append to the URL your customers use to access the plugin. You then share the URL plus string with customers.

For example, if the URL for your plugin is and the string is #123456... then the link you share is

Creating a new link to a new set of configuration

When you're done, select Reset fields. This returns the configuration to the full set of options. You can now select a new set of options and repeat the process to create a new plugin link.

Configuration options

The main options you are likely to configure for the Engage plugin are described below.

For options that are not described here, full API documentation can be found at the Documentation link at the top left of the page, next to the Sandbox link.

Field Description

Determines what customer stage this instance of the plugin applies to.

Resource code

(For all Intents except Schedule)

The resource code of the existing appointment that is accessed by this plugin link.


A sequence of characters that determines the order in which customers will be taken through each stage of the appointment request process. The following characters, each representing a step, can be used:

  • S (Subject): allows the customer to select a subject.
  • M (MeetingType): allows the customer to select a meeting type.
  • E (Employee): allows the customer to select an employee.
  • O (Office): allows the customer to select an office.
  • T (Timetable): allows the customer to suggest one or more time slots for their appointment.
  • Q (Questions): allows the customer to answer any addition questions specific to the chosen subject.
  • C (Customer): allows the customer to provide their contact information.
  • * (Locked): Indicates that the step is locked and can not be edited by the customer, although it will still be visible to them. In these cases you must provide a value.

Note that:

  • The default is SMOTQC. This will be used if no value is provided, or if the requirements below are not met.
  • You must include T, Q and C.
  • You can't start with T (Timetable), because in order to check available appointment times the plugin must know which Agents, subjects or offices the appointment request is for.
  • You don't need to include all the options, for example if you've pre-filled some of the values.
Language The language used by this plugin link. You can select a specific language, or you can select Browser Detected Language to use the language that the user has set for their browser.

If you want to restrict this plugin link to offer a subset of all available subjects, enter the External ID of each subject here.

You configure the External ID of a subject in the Engage Backoffice — see Managing subjects and categories.


If you want to restrict this plugin link to offer a subset of all available offices, enter the External ID of each office here.

You configure the External ID of an office in the Engage Backoffice — see Working with offices.


If you want to restrict this plugin link to offer a subset of all available Agents, enter the External ID of each Agent here.

You configure the External ID of an Agent in the Engage Backoffice — see Managing Employees.

Meeting type

If you want to restrict this plugin link to offer a subset of all available meeting types, select which types will be offered.

If you offer more than one meeting type, you must also include the M parameter in the Flow field, so that customers will be offered the option to select the meeting type.


If you want to restrict this plugin link to offer a subset of all available Listings, enter the External ID of each Listing here.

You configure the External ID of a Listing in the Engage Backoffice — see Working with listings.

Customer These options are used if you wish to pre-fill the customer's details.