Creating endpoint subscriptions in bulk

Before you can activate your endpoints for use with the Pexip Service, each one needs an endpoint subscription created.

If you are activating 30 or more endpoints, you can perform a bulk creation by supplying your Pexip authorized support representative with a file of endpoint details which Pexip will use for processing. To perform a bulk subscription creation you need:

  • enough licenses for the endpoints you want to create subscriptions for (trials are also allowed)
  • to provide a CSV file with your endpoint details.

If you have fewer than 30 endpoints your partner will create the subscriptions manually.

If you want to check how many licenses you have available just contact your account manager at your local certified Pexip Partner.

Creating the file required for bulk subscription creation

The file must only contain details for endpoints that require a subscription to be created. Please ensure it doesn't include endpoints that already have a subscription.

  • You must provide a comma-delimited CSV file. If you create the file using either Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets you can save it in CSV format.
  • A header row is required in all cases with the following column headings: username, video_domain and display_name. You can optionally also include a serial_number column.

Here are the requirements for each field (column):

Field name Content When required

This is the user name part of the video address (SIP URI) also known as the Address of Record (AOR) i.e. the label before the @<domain> part of the address. It must contain only:

  • English lower case letters (a-z) (capital letters will automatically be converted to lower case)
  • Numbers (0-9)
  • Special characters: . - _ (dot, dash, underscore)

Also, the string:

  • Has to be at least six characters long (only applies if you do not have custom domain hosting)
  • Cannot start with a number, dot, dash or underscore
video_domain This is the domain part of the video address such as or Always

This is the friendly name displayed in your company directory, Pexip Control Center and in MyPages.

  • It can be one or more alphanumeric characters
  • It is case sensitive
  • Certain special characters may be used such as . - _ (dot, dash, underscore)
  • It must also be a value that's supported by your endpoint

Here you can provide the endpoint's serial number or MAC address.

  • Serial Numbers must contain only alphanumeric characters.
  • MAC addresses must contain only hexadecimal characters, no punctuation.
  • It must be unique.

The value entered is displayed in Pexip Control Center for reference purposes.

Required for devices activated by tying their serial number to the subscription.

Optional for devices activated via other methods.

You can check which activation method is used for your make and model of device.

Here is a sample file in CSV format, viewed in a text editor:

An image showing a sample CSV file.

When ready just send the file to your Pexip authorized support representative. The standard processing time is one week from when Pexip receives the file.

You'll be informed if there are any errors in the file that need correcting and you may need to re-submit the file. You'll also be told when the endpoint subscriptions have been created. If you have a login for Pexip Control Center you can view the endpoints on your Video systems page.

When the endpoint subscriptions are set up you can proceed to Activating endpoints in bulk.