Downloading the apps

Go to the Pexip downloads page for the latest versions of the following software:

  • Pexip desktop app
  • Outlook plugin
  • Activate Endpoint app

Mobile app users can find Pexip in the Apple and Google Play stores.

Add-ins that let you include meeting details when creating invites from your calendar are available here:

Installing the Pexip desktop app for Windows

From your desktop or laptop computer go to the Pexip downloads page.

Select Download, and when ready, run the installer and allow it to make changes to your computer. If required, change the install destination folder.

Select Launch Pexip and then Finish, and this opens the login page.

Installing the Pexip desktop app for Mac

From your desktop or laptop computer go to the Pexip downloads page.

Select Download to get the installer package file on your Mac. Then, double-click on the downloaded file to start the installation, and follow the prompts.

Select Ok to give the installer package access to Finder.

Select Ok to allow Pexip to access System Events.

When installation has completed the app opens automatically showing the login page.

Next steps

Here's some guidance on logging in and preparing for your first call.

If you haven't already activated your Pexip account, find out how to activate your account.